Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ohio State

I am sick and tired of watching my team get beat up. I know we consistently dominate the Big Ten, but I'm tired of my teams not living up to standard: Browns missing the playoffs, Tribe losing the ALCS, Cavs losing in the finals, then Eastern Conf finals, and the buckeyes big losses: 2 Nat'l Championships, and theyre about to lose to USC. This truly troubles me.....

Fortunately, there are more important things than sports. Jesus has shed his blood on the cross so that we can live eternally with him. This has so much more importance than any football game

Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11

It has now been seven years since the tragic events of September 11, 2001. It seems that many people have not forgotten, but have somewhat pushed the importance of the day to the side. I myself am guilty of this.

I think that we all need to remember this day, not necessarily for the tragedy side of it, but because of the patriotism that resulted afterwards. I feel that the sense of patriotism has dwindled drastically. It's a shame. I think our country in general has one of the worst senses of nationalism of the entire world. We don't unite under the title of our nation.

Many times I have wondered if I am treating people the way God wants me to treat them. Many times I fail to listen to others carefully, as I get wrapped up in myself. I am truly sorry for anyone who has felt this while in conversation with me. I ask for your forgiveness. I am trying to be less self centered and more focused on other people. This is how I will build stronger friendships, and be a better friend to people. It will be a work in progress, but hopefully things will turn out better in the end

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The purpose of this blog

Hello all,
The blog that I will now begin to compile will serve several purposes.

One thing I would like to do is let people know how I am doing while I am at college. I am currently attending Taylor University, in Upland, IN. I am pursuing a Music Education degree, with which I would like to teach choirs and to share with them the same joy I felt when I was in high school choir.

I am enjoying school, because there are so many people here that are friendly, personable, and have the desire to show an interest in your life. The quality of education at Taylor is very high. I believe that God has called me here with the intention of drawing me closer to himself, and eventually to share with the world the gift of music, spefically, vocal music.

Another completely seperate reason why I want to start this blog, is to discuss sports and my thoughts on whatever is happening on the Wide World of Sports. I will admit that this blog will be biased, so watch out if you are a Michigan, Steelers, Pistons, or White Sox fan. Ultimately, I hope to keep those of you who used to love talking about sports with me the chance to re-engage in such an activity.

Thirdly, but perhaps most importantly, the blog will be used to discuss spiritual things, in particular, the need for Christ. I'll be getting into more details later, but my hope is that this will be a chance for you to learn how I'm doing, and to hear what I'm thinking about.
